

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Waiting for the New President

As we wait for the new Nigerian president, like the millions of Nigerians at home and all over the world there is a new sense of relief, positive anticipation and hope that things are about to change. Change we believe that can only be for the best. Having observed with keen interest like most of my compatriots, the sense of eagerness that fills me, the words to express it seems rarer to find. Perhaps elation might be suitable.

Now we are at the collation stage but still I wonder at the campaign of distaste that still goes around, seeming from an opposition that suspects foul play even when the sun shines too brightly or when the rain falls, It must be an attempt to rig. When does all this end? Maybe when the results are announced. The pitches I have read on online forum and blogs seem to point at a deep sense of resentment and a lack of desire for faith.

Voting in Process in Nigerian General Elections

I can say with all sincererity that we do not need this, we cannot have it, we must not allow it. Our country needs to build on our new found faith in our ability to move the world's largest black race to its place of prominence and of pride. Positioning the nation for agitation may certainly not be in our best interest. Our preparedness to build our nation again, not resting on our oars while we blame others for the things that we ourselves are guilty make the word hypocrisy grossly inadequate. For as Mohandas Gandhi once said " He who loses his individuality, loses all". We must be prepared to come together to build on the positive gains we see in this new era. Only we can. If we do not, we then give others the right to tell our story. The same story told of Africa. despondence, desolation and despair. 

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